Sorry rabid fans, I have been away for few days on important business. "Its a matter of life and death Mrs. Peel." "Mrs. Peel, we're needed." "You diabolical mastermind, you." These were some of the phrases that I wish that I uttered during my time of absence.
So "Who's Who???" This is the one episode where John and Emma really kiss. And I mean REALLY KISS! Now this might seem stupid, but believe me it's really rewarding to people who want to see their relationship kicked up a notch. Its also one of the few episodes where Patrick Macnee and Diana Rigg take a backseat to the supporting actors. This is because, of course, there minds have been swaped with two criminals. So now (after the swap) the criminals look like Steed and Emma, while Steed and Emma's minds are in the criminal's bodies. I think. It goes something like that. The new Steed and Emma do a great job, some say they do better than Patrick and Diana (in their new roles obviously, not in playing the Avengers). That's the whole episode in a nutshell. Its a very novel show. It is made up of a gimmick that is held well throughout the entire episode. You get to see Steed behave like a bad-guy and you see Emma do the twist. They also shoot a lot of people in cold blood (which I find rather horrible).
Besides the gimmick and the great acting, there is really nothing else to say. Nothing paticularly exciting happens (except a lot of people get shot). When the new Steed and Emma get captured, they just escape right afterward. There is no tension, no drama, no suspense. It's just a cool idea. No more and certainly no less. If you want action or a great plotline, watch another one of my top ten. However if you like wit, sharp writing, and some great acting, you should check it out. But be warned. This episode is only really effective if you know how the real Steed and the real Emma behave.
So this means one should become more familiarized with the characters before giving this episode a try. I see. Is this just another "for fun" episode, kind of like Epic? Sounds like an interesting idea . . . if you know the characters, of course.
So does this mean Emma and Steed are kissing, or are the criminals?
This is my most favorite episode for many of the reasons mentioned in the post. It is a fun episode; even the killing in cold blood" is a bit silly, and not at all troubling. (Rather like the arbitrary death in "Girl from Auntie"). I think the key thing is watching how their "class" gets lowered as they become "bad.": Steed bites off his cigar end instead of neatly nipping it off with cigar-end nippers; Emma snaps her gum. I also love to hear people pronounce migraine with the e sound (mee-grain, as Basil baby says it).
It is such a fun romp and I love the way the TV voice breaks in and warns the wary viewer about the switch.
I would agree with Neighborly reviewer that it is a bit like Epic in its fun silliness, only it's SOOOO much better than Epic!
Hey, Epic is the BEST! Its the criminals kissing technically, but all of the viewers know that it is really Steed and Emma kissing(at least we wish it was the case).
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